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Kanna, a natural product derived from the dried plant Sceletium tortuosum, is a must-try. Originating from South Africa, it has been used for centuries for its calming and stimulating properties. Experience the unique benefits of kanna and treat yourself to a well-deserved moment of tranquility, relaxation, and stimulation.


Kanna is derived from the dried plant of Sceletium tortuosum and has a long history of use due to its calming and stimulating properties. Kanna contains various active alkaloids, such as mesembrine and mesembrenone, which are responsible for its desired effects. These alkaloids can enhance mood, promote feelings of well-being, and increase concentration.


Kanna, also known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a plant native to South Africa. It originates from the region of the Karoo, a semi-desert area in the southwestern part of South Africa. Kanna has been used by indigenous tribes in this region for many centuries, giving it a long history of traditional use. The native population of South Africa has been using kanna for centuries due to its alleged medicinal and psychoactive properties. Traditionally, kanna was chewed, dried, smoked, or consumed as a tea. It was used for various purposes, including relieving stress, anxiety, hunger, and thirst, as well as improving mood.


The effects of kanna can vary depending on dosage, consumption form, and individual sensitivity. Here are some of the main effects of kanna on the body and mind:

  • Mood and Emotions: Kanna is often used for its presumed positive impact on mood. Users frequently report feelings of relaxation, calmness, and relief from stress and anxiety. Some also experience improved mood and a sense of bliss.
  • Anxiety Reduction: Kanna is commonly used to reduce anxiety. It is said to help alleviate both mild anxiety and social anxiety.
  • Energy and Alertness: While kanna is often experienced as relaxing, some individuals also report a slight increase in energy and alertness.
  • Social Effects: Kanna is sometimes used to enhance social interaction, as it may reduce social inhibitions and promote feelings of connectedness.
  • Mild Euphoria: Some users describe a mild euphoric state when using kanna.
  • Appetite Suppression: There are reports that kanna may decrease appetite.
  • Mild Sedative Effects: At higher dosages or with certain forms of consumption, kanna may have mild sedative effects.


Kanna is available in various forms, which vary in administration methods and effects. The main forms of consuming kanna are:

  • Chewing or Kanna Powder: Traditionally, kanna was chewed. The fresh leaves and stems were ground and then chewed. Nowadays, kanna is often sold in powder form. The powder can be chewed, placed under the tongue, or mixed with food or beverages. This form can provide a slower release of active compounds and have a milder, gradual effect.
  • Kanna Tea: Kanna powder can be used to make tea. By steeping the powder in hot water, the active compounds can be extracted. Kanna tea is often consumed for a relaxing and calming effect. The effect is similar to chewing kanna, but it may take slightly longer for the effects to be felt.
  • Kanna Capsules: Kanna extracts or powder are sometimes encapsulated for convenient consumption. Capsules can be a convenient way to take an exact dosage, and the effects may be similar to those of kanna powder or tea, depending on the dosage.
  • Kanna Tinctures: A tincture is an alcohol extraction of kanna. It is often placed under the tongue drop by drop, where it quickly enters the bloodstream. Kanna tinctures can provide a faster onset of effects compared to chewing, tea, or capsules.
  • Smoking Kanna: In some cases, kanna is also smoked. It can be smoked in the form of dried leaves or a resinous extract. Smoking may provide rapid effects, similar to tinctures, but the duration of effects may be shorter.


Kanna has been traditionally used in South Africa for centuries due to its alleged benefits in reducing stress and anxiety. There are several reasons why kanna may help reduce stress and anxiety:

  • Serotonergic Activity: Kanna possesses serotonergic properties, meaning it can influence serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in mood and emotions. By inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, kanna may lead to an increase in available serotonin in the synaptic cleft between nerve cells. A better balance of serotonin can help regulate moods and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  • PDE4 Inhibition: As mentioned earlier, kanna also has PDE4 inhibitory properties. By inhibiting PDE4, cAMP can remain active for longer, potentially leading to an increase in neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are involved in regulating stress responses and may help reduce feelings of anxiety.
  • Anxiolytic Effects: Kanna has anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects, meaning it can help reduce feelings of anxiety. Users often report a sense of relaxation and calmness after using kanna.
  • Adaptogenic: Kanna is sometimes considered an adaptogen, which means it may help improve overall resistance to stress and enhance the body’s ability to adapt to stressful situations.


Kanna is generally considered a substance with low potential for addiction. Traditional use of kanna by indigenous tribes in South Africa has demonstrated that it does not possess strong addictive properties. Additionally, there is no evidence that kanna use leads to the development of physical dependence.

The mechanisms of action of kanna are different from those of highly addictive substances, such as opioids or stimulants. Kanna primarily affects serotonin receptors and does not directly impact the opioid or dopamine systems in the brain, which are often involved in addiction. However, it’s important to emphasize that any substance, including natural herbs, has the potential to be psychologically addictive for some individuals.

While the risks of addiction are low, responsible use and awareness of kanna use are important. It’s essential to follow recommended dosages and not take too much or use it too frequently. Regular use of kanna can lead to tolerance, meaning you may need more to achieve the same effects. To minimize potential unwanted effects, it’s wise to use kanna in moderation and take breaks between periods of use.