Maka – Wild Dagga (Leonotis Leonurus) – 50 Grams:
Wild Dagga (Leonotis Leonurus) is a 1-2 meter tall shrub native to South Africa. There are about 30 different known species, and they prefer to grow in warm regions. This unique plant is often used as a marijuana substitute in America and South Africa. The effects may be somewhat similar, but Wild Dagga is much milder compared to cannabis. When ingested, you can expect a euphoric and relaxing feeling that takes some time to develop. The plant is also used for its medicinal effects, as it can help with various health issues and treat insect bites. This is mainly due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
Usage (Tea):
- Add 1-2 teaspoons to hot water.
- Let the mixture steep for 10-15 minutes.
- You may choose to add something sweet.
- Consume the tea slowly and experience the effects.
Usage (Vaporizer):
- Place the herbs in your vaporizer.
- You can mix it with other herbs if desired.
- The herbs vaporize at temperatures between 150-175°C.
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