Easy Start Germination Kit:
The Easy Start is an organic germination kit specially designed to achieve the best results for your seedlings. It contains 20 pre-filled pots with a variety of microorganisms that will activate the cannabis seeds. This set is super easy to use and suitable for all types of growers to support you in the initial phase.
How to use the Kit:
- Dissolve the Bacto sachet in one liter of lukewarm water (23-25°C). Wait until it is dissolved, then pour it over the pots.
- Place the desired amount of seeds in the holes of the pots (one seed per pot) and use a long object to gently press the seeds down to a depth of 5mm. Then cover the seeds with surrounding soil.
- Place the pots in a warm place away from direct sunlight.
- Be aware that the soil can dry out if you use the Easy Start without a propagator from the Starter Kit. Keep the soil moist at all times and regularly check the moisture levels. You can maintain moisture by spraying water over it.
- Your seeds will germinate within 2-7 days.
- Once the seedlings reach 2-3cm, it’s time to transplant them to their final growing location. Gently slide them out of the plastic with the soil intact and add them to the new pots (in the middle) to avoid damaging the roots during transplanting. Then, cover the seedlings slightly under new soil.
- Congratulations! You can now start growing your own cannabis plant.
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