Maka – Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Hawaiian) – 20 Seeds:
The Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Seeds) is a climbing plant originally from India. This unique plant is now found all over the world! The special feature of this plant is that it produces seeds containing the compound LSA. LSA is often considered a natural, less potent variant of LSD. It can induce a psychedelic trip with hallucinations. During the trip, you may perceive colors differently, have philosophical thoughts, and feel connected with everything and everyone around you. A trip can last for about 6-8 hours! It’s normal to experience some stomach discomfort within the first 60 minutes after ingestion. This is caused by other compounds present in these LSA seeds.
- Ensure you have an empty stomach for at least 4 hours before use.
- Remove the shells and finely grind the seeds with scissors or a coffee grinder.
- Soak the seeds in hot water (not boiling) for 60-90 minutes.
- Strain the seeds out of the water.
- Drink the mixture for the desired effects.
- You can choose to eat the seeds afterward.
- Light trip (3 Seeds)
- Average trip (5 Seeds)
- Strong trip (10 Seeds)
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