Plagron – Easy Pack Natural:
The Natural Easy Pack from Plagron contains all the nutrients you need to grow 3-4 full plants (depending on the amount you use). This package is composed of solely organic and natural products for the growth/flowering phase, combined with the top product Green Sensation.
Instructions for use:
Inside the package, you will find a manual and a cultivation schedule, providing you with precise information on what and when to administer the nutrients. You can apply the supplements for 8 weeks during the growth phase and 8 weeks during the flowering phase. If any phase lasts longer, you can repeat it according to the schedule.
The quantity is based on 3 waterings in 5.5-liter pots per week (0.5L/plant per pot).
- Alga Grow (250ml)
- Alga Bloom (250ml)
- Green Sensation (50ml)
- Measuring cup
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